"Let your vision be world-embracing..."
—Bahá'u'lláh - more about Bahá'u'lláh

The Bahá'i Faith teaches that the world's religions have been the chief civilizing force in human history and that God has sent humanity many divine messengers through the centuries. Despite how different from one-another these religions may seem to human eyes, Bahá'is understand that they are each an equally important part of God's eternal plan for raising the human race up from its spiritual infancy and guiding it into its spiritual maturity.
The Bahá'i Faith teaches that humanity is now coming of age. For the first time in history, the human race can see itself as a single family: diverse in its beauty and belief, but wholly capable of becoming a united and peaceful civilization.
Bahá'is believe that world peace is not only possible, but inevitable.
Among the principles which the Bahá'i Faith deems vital to the building of this peaceful global society are:
- All human beings must see each other as brothers and sisters, regardless of religion, politics, geography, history, nationality, or race.
- All prejudice--be it racial, religious, national, economic, or any other kind--is destructive and must be confronted and overcome.
- Women are the co-equals of men. They must be granted equal opportunities in all spheres of life.
- We must all learn to investigate truth for ourselves, without preconceptions.
- True religion should be in harmony with reason and scientific pursuit.
- We must understand that many of our economic problems can be directly linked to our spiritual problems.
- Solving problems and resolving conflicts should be done by listening earnestly to one-another, speaking frankly, seeking concensus, and acting together in unity.
- Every person has a right to a good education and has a responsibility to seek one.
- All human beings must be taught that we were created noble and that our purpose in life is to serve our fellow human beings, to raise healthy families, and to be happy.
For more information about the Bahá'ís in Champaign-Urbana, see our Community page.
For more information about the Bahá'is of the world, please visit the website of the worldwide Bahá'i community.
Other Bahá'í websites:
- Bahá'í.org Home
- About the Bahá'í Faith
- Selected Writings
- Worldwide Community
- Bahá'í World News Service
- Bahá'í Media Bank
Wikipedia article on the Bahá'í Faith
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